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If ... made toasters

Are you in the market for a new toaster?

If Microsoft made toasters...

If IBM made toasters...

If Apple made toasters...

If Xerox made toasters...

If Radio Shack made toasters...

If Oracle made toasters...

Does DEC still make toasters?...

If Hewlett-Packard made toasters...

If Tandem made toasters...

If Thinking Machines made toasters...

If Cray made toasters...

If The Rand Corporation made toasters...

If the NSA made toasters...

If Sony made toasters...

If Timex made toasters...

If Fisher Price made toasters...


If the Franklin Mint made toasters...

If CostCo or Sam's made toasters...

If MCI made toasters ...

If AT&T made toasters ...

If Sprint made toasters ...

If Sun made toasters...

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